

Digital Pathshala: School Management System

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Digital Pathshala is a web-based interactive software for Educational Institutes facilitates advanced student information management for maintaining all academic & accounting information in an institute. In todays world speed and accuracy are the fundamental things necessary to excel educational institute. Digital Pathshala provides user-friendly dashboards with login access for teachers, non-teaching staff, administrators and management personnel using any types of computer or mobile devices. The various modules facilitate all the processes of your institution, from admission of new students to generating transfer certificates when students complete their studies.



Academic Information Management

    School Information Setup Stuffs & Teachers Profile with Photo (with Department & Designations) Class Setup with ID Code Sections Setup by Class Subjects Setup by Class (Including Optional Subjects) Management Committee with Governing Bodies Stuff & Teachers Attendance with In-Out Time Salary Sheet Preparation Employee Tasks Management Session Setup Yearly Process

Students Subscription Management

    Unique ID for Each Student Students Profile Info with Photo, Signature & Guardian Signature Print Student Profile with Photo in Admission Form Format Student Admission/ Subscription Entry Enrollment & Re-Admission Entry Inactivate Student Profile (No Further Activities Allowed Until Reactivate) Fees & Discounts Assignment Assign to Classes & Sections Assign Roll Numbers Class & Section-wise Student List Reports Admit Card Printing ID Card Printing Search Student Directory (by Class, ID, Name, Roll, Gender, Religion etc.) Transfer Certificate Printing Check Student History (Attendance, Result, Due & Payments, Books Taken etc.)